Thursday, December 4, 2014


In the midst of what was crazy and uncertain 6 months ago, there was me + that guy from camp .. 

6 months later, it got even crazier as we shifted from that "getting-to-know" to "you-are-dominating-my-inbox" to "sooo-we-are-sending-each-other-pics-of-what-we-had-for-lunch" to "wait!-are-we-or-are-we-not" to "we-have-something-and-we-are-something-right?" to "ok-thats-it-lets-be-exclusive" to  "why-are-we-fighting-over-silly-stuff-and-more-silly-stuff?" to "ooops!-this-argument-is-serious-the-dark-side-is-out" to argh!-there-goes-your-annoying-habit-again to "what-are-we-gonna-do-bout-this-LDR" to "Uhm-my-family-and-friends-are-kinda-aware-that-you-exist-somewhere" to "this-is-it-pansit-coz-we-are-making-future-plans-already" to "ooooohh-we-are-hashtagging-2016-huh?!" then now, "half-year-down-FTW". 

Half a year since and we are still surrounded and tortured by uncertainties. By a hundred what ifs, a thousand whys, a million hows and all the possible questions we can ask on what we have right now, but these, I guess, are what drives us both to make THIS happen and US possible. 

But then we haven't even met yet .. 

And, its totally craaaazaaaaayy because we have this, I talk about him, I have posts about us on my profiles and so does he -- and my only validation that he is a real person are from 4 of my friends who he made an (extra, extra, extra, extra!) effort to meet whenever they went home. Scary? .. I know! And, sometimes, well, most of the time,  because of this, our story becomes unbelievable to those we share it with and its even harder to explain especially when they start raising their eyebrows and shot that very doubtful look by the mere mention of "we met online", "i haven't seen him in person yet but yeah! we chat .. talk .. FaceTime" -- that is the game changer right there, end of story, finale, times-up, round 12, talk to the hand, blahblahblah. Haha ..  and by the reactions we get, at this point, just like that, the skeptics outnumber the believers. 

It was already awkward enough to define ourselves as one of those relationships that started online, much more over social media, over Facebook! (Do they even work?) Cringe cringe cringe! Because no matter how we both think that there is more to us than just being the cliche, no matter how in our own little world, we think we are unique, in the real world, we become the generic, "oh, they met online couple". Haha. 

We are certainly no experts at this. I can't give you a sound advice yet on how to make this kind of relationship work as I have never been in a long distance-virtual-haven't met yet anything. We are not in a perfect relationship either and are definitely far from what is ideal out there. Given our situation and set-up, we are constantly figuring things out as well -- everyday! 

Now this is what it means when they say relationships take hard work. It really does and it is not easy, not at all. 

I used to be an "anti-military-guy" girl with a strict no-to-soldier-boyfriends policy. I never thought camous were attractive. I never really believed I can sustain a long distance relationship because my mood swings cannot handle the pressure. I was one of the skeptics on those love stories that started online. I was indecisive on "may irereto ako sayo" and "ipakilala kita sa friend ko". I was an I believe in fairy tales, and happily ever after girl .. 

But then, here I am, online dating a nurse-lieutenant na ni "reto" ng kaibigan ko. Here I am sustaining a 1,495 mile relationship for the past 6 months with someone who argues with me even more at the height of my mood swings. 

We are meeting in 13 days.  

Things are crazy and uncertain again. He might not like my little wrinkled nose when he actually sees it in real life! Haha! 

but then .. 

Everything's magic! 


12:30 PM today .. 

I take back meeting him in 13 days. Its not happening anymore .. 

Earlier today .. 

I just met the most amazing, unbelievable guy ever! He just closed that 1495 mile distance to this close .. 

Finally .. 

Nice meeting you today 2Lt. Oscar Jr D Zaldivar :) 

Laters! Ok? 


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