Today ..
22 March 2015 ..
Today, this year, marks my official 3rd year as an OFW here in Singapore. A place I call my 2nd home, a land that shaped my late 20's, a city that transformed me to be the better version of myself, a setting that ignited my independence, pushed my maturity to a higher level, challenged by emotions, my will and my sanity.
I remember 2 years ago, I took the BIGGEST RISK of my mid-20's life and with everyone's prayers and super patience, that risk I took paid off with this REWARD.
That was already 2 years ago and ever since, my life has never been the same again. And looking back at what transcribed during that period is overwhelming and unbelievable and I admit, sometimes I have those moments at the bus stop where I look at my surroundings and everything still feels surreal. Nevertheless, my heart is over pouring with gratitude. No matter how painful, sad and heartbreaking some days had been, it is still overpowered by the blessing of those priceless, precious blissful times that I had.
Soooooo .. as my tribute to lah-lah land, sa pag kupkop sakin ng dalawang taon, hehe .. And because I HEART SG, let me share
my list of things I openly and secretly love about this place .. (Again, in random bullets, haha) ..

- Food (Of course, what better way to start this list right?). So much good food and the constant adventure to discover whatelse is out there. It's never ending in this city. There is and will always be that something new, that joint that you've been wanting to try, that quaint bakery in the North, South, East and West, Lady Ironchef's list of must try's, recommendations on the Burpple, The one with a 5 star rating on Hungry go where app, that new bistro with a quirky interior, that coffee shop with a one-of-a-kind theme. The always vibrant hawker centers, The authentics, That small that serves nothing but coffee ... and so on and forever! Oh, and Chili Crabs and Koi and Old Chang Kee and Mr. Bean and Chili Sauce and Calamansi juice with plum ..
- Still on the food life here, I am in love with the hole in the wall shops
. There is always something somewhere, even where you least expect it! and I really really hope I can write more about these experiences on my food discovery here, i'll try, really, If food coma doesn't get to me first! haha.
- Marina Bay Sands. I watched a feature on how the structure was built on Nat geo back in the Philippines and the first time I laid my eyes on it in March of 2012, I was in awe-- and have been in awe since. It is such beautiful and mesmerising sight at any angle.
- Singapore has only a land area of about 700 sq km .. BUT, the way everything is neatly placed in this small space is truly one of the things that amazes me. It's like a well designed SIMS CITY come alive .. and it makes me feel like a chibi too! haha.
- The lush greenery amidst the concrete jungle.
- Taxi Ride. I don't mean the fare, cause its still expensive but its how accommodating the uncles are when you and 3 other friends decide to transform it into a carpool. No extra charge, no overcharge.
- 3G and WIFI = superb!
- Changi Airport .. Well, I have not been to a lot of airports but if this is ranked as the best in the world, then I am not surprised at all as it deserves to be.
- Universal Studios Singapore. What can I say! It's the little girl me and her love for amusement parks! And oh! There is this buzz that Universal Studios promised that this will be the only one they will open in Southeast Asia for the next 30 years ..
- I feel safe here .. even at 3 am and I'm walking home alone or even when I put my phone behind my pocket and walk around with my bag open.
- Clean toilets! .. and they are for free!
- The people. Like any other nationalities with a unique culture and characteristics, each and everyone has their flaws .. but in my 2 years here, I was lucky enough to have met the other part of the population who happen to make my stay here an enjoyable one. I've built acquaintances and friendships. I've made Facebook friends and gained some Instagram followers too ..
- That it is only a bus ride to Malaysia and a ferry trip to Indonesia which feeds the wanderlust me.
- The culture is so diverse there is a little bit of everyone here -- and that feeds the culturevore in me.
- Its a 1500++ miles away from home but its still a close and quick 3 hour trip .. and that thought is comforting.
- Indulging in alone and being unknown times. The chances of me being caught acting like a lost tourist and taking a touristy selfie is very slim, haha!
- Sale! Because when they sale they are on sale, they really mean it. No bluff one! Haha.
- The weather. Ok, truth is. I hate it when it is hot and humid. I'm a Baguio girl, the cool wind, fog and pine trees (and needles) are my best friends! So when you put me anywhere higher that 24 degrees, muryot attack! haha. But here? Well, this weather I've learned to bask in, to like, love and enjoy.
- Drinking water straight from the tap with no worries of me getting my normal gut flora disturbed. Well, for me at least, oh! such convenience!
- It is picture perfect. Awesome aesthetics anywhere. Photobombers included.
- It is the setting for the love story that unfolded between that guy from camp and that little girl who. NAKS! Singapore will always be our special place because this is where WE actually happened (aside from Facebook of course, haha).
So there ..
I am remembering and celebrating this day for 3 reasons ..
3. Today, I am looking forward to more that will be added to that list as I kick-off my next 2 years because, well .. hey, my pass is renewed! Hooray! AMEN to answered prayers! (Or, the universe is saying that I really should take saving for the future and making back up plans seriously is it? haha!)
2. Two years ago on this day I signed my contract which marked the start of that new adventure. So, happy anniversary to us Singapore!
1. It is the birthday of the main man of my life. My forever first love. The man no one can replace. The man, who I am sure is proud of me today. The man who I will always be proud of because I am where I am and who I am now because I had the guidance from the best man. My favorite lastog .. (#2 Choko, #3 Lt. Z :p) .. To the man who I know will always protect me and will always watch over me ..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! I MISS YOU EVERYDAY .. every single day! Enjoy your party up there .. WE LOVE YOU! :)
Celebrate with me 40k! Cheers! :)
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